Juan de la Cruz, 1. 20302 Irun. Gipuzkoa (+34) 943 66 04 00 Monday to Friday: 9:00 - 13:30 / 15:30 - 19:00 | Saturdays: 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.


We form a versatile and dynamic team. While each of us specialises in an area and is responsible for specific tasks, we can all turn our hand to whatever is needed. At the end of the day, our goal is always the same: a job well done.

" We share the same goal: a job well done "
Nerea Solbes: Accounting
Alazne Mendialdua: Administration
Txomin Sistiaga: Warehouse
Miguel Salas: Shop and Orders
Martín Solbes: Sales
Iñaki Solbes: Purchases & Development
Aitor Anuncibay: Marketing
José Antonio “Pitxon”: Collaborator
Andoni Ibarloza: Sales
Ion Solbes: Warehouse
Rosa del Caño: Administration